Bus Driver Awards Terms & Conditions


1 The following terms shall (unless the context requires otherwise) have the following respective meanings: “Rewards Program” Means the Plaza Group Rewards Program “Registered Member” Means a Bus Driver who installs the Plaza Group Rewards Program App on their mobile device, submits a registration for membership of the Plaza Group Rewards Program and confirmation of their registered membership is communicated to the registered member via SMS or Email from the Rewards Program “Promoter” Means Supermac’s Ireland Limited “Calendar Year” Means each successive period of 12 (twelve) months commencing on January 1st and ending on December 31st 1. The current version of the Terms and Conditions are available on the Plaza Groups website.

2. The Promoter reserves the right to suspend or terminate the Rewards Programme at any time and will notify the Registered Member via SMS or Email immediately prior to the Rewards Program being suspended or terminated.

3. The Promoter reserves the right to amend the Terms and Conditions herein where the Promoter considers it reasonably necessary to do so at any time and without prior notice to the Registered Member. The Promoter will furnish by SMS or Email the Terms and Conditions of the Rewards Program to the Registered Member upon amendment.

4. A Registered Member is entitled to hold one membership only in the Rewards Program. Failure to comply with this term and condition will result in the immediate termination by the Promoter of your registered membership of the Rewards Program.

5. The Promoter reserves the right to terminate a Registered Member’s membership with immediate effect for any breach of the terms and conditions set out herein or for any conduct by a Registered Member that the Promoter reasonably considers would jeopardise the Rewards Program. Termination of a Registered Members membership will be communicated by the Promoter to the Registered Member via SMS or Email.

6. The Plaza Group Rewards Program App may be used at all participating Plaza Group outlets in the Republic of Ireland.

7. The Registered Member must present the Plaza Groups Rewards Program App to the Manager or Site Manager at the Spar counter within the Plaza Group property in order for the points to be placed on the Registered Members App.

8. The Plaza Group Rewards Program App is non-transferable and may only be used by the Registered Member. All electronic communications of offers are intended solely for the use and benefit of the Registered Member. Failure to comply with this terms will result in terminations of the Registered Members Membership as per Clause 5 of the terms and conditions set out herein.

9. A Registered Member will be awarded one point for every customer- passenger brought into the Plaza outlet. The points awarded have no intrinsic cash value. Registered Members must redeem the points awarded by the 31st December of the calendar year in which they were awarded. Any points awarded not redeemed by the 31st December of the calendar year in which they were awarded will become null and void and will be removed by the Promoter from the Registered Members account.

10. Under no circumstances whatsoever can any points awarded by redeemed for cash.

11. Communications of offers and rewards to Registered Members will be via email and/or SMS. It is the sole responsibility of the Registered Member to provide their correct and up to date contact details and to keep the Plaza Group Rewards App updated accordingly. The Promoter and/or any associated entity accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the failure of the Registered Member to provide their correct and up to date contact details.

12. In the event that technical issues, human error and/or reasons outside of the Promoters control restricts communication of any offers or rewards to any Registered Member the Promoter and/or any associated entity accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever in this regard.

13. All offers must be availed of by the Registered Member strictly within any time periods specified. All offers and/or rewards are strictly subject to availability and may be withdrawn or altered by the Promoter where is deemed necessary to do so.

14. The Promoter reserves the right to limit the quota of all offers and/or rewards available to Registered Members.

15. The terms and conditions set out herein constitutes the entire agreement, and supersedes any previous agreement, arrangement or understanding (whether oral or written) between the Registered Member and the Promoter relating to its subject matter. In becoming a Registered Member each Registered Member acknowledges that they do not rely on, has not relied on, and shall have no remedy in respect of, any statement, representation, warranty or other provision (in any case whether oral or written, express or implied and whether negligently or innocently made) by the Promoter or any person or entity connected to the Promoter except those expressly set out in the terms and conditions herein.

16. This Plaza Group Rewards Program , and any issues or disputes of whatever nature arising out of or in any way relating to it or its formation (whether such disputes are contractual or non-contractual in nature, such as claims in tort, for breach of statute or regulation, or otherwise) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Ireland and the Registered Members and the Promoter submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Ireland